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COVID-19 UPDATE: Message From President Donald Trump March 19

By: FreightGuru


But who is telling the truth?

March 19, 2020 – Today President Donal Trump said that a drug currently used as an antimalarial — hydroxychloroquine — “would be made available almost immediately to treat coronavirus.”

Then FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn did not go on with the same remarks from the President regarding his team’s work to develop treatments for coronavirus.

“The FDA is committed to continuing to provide regulatory flexibility and guidance, but let me make one thing clear: the FDA’s responsibility to the American people is to ensure that products are safe and effective,” he said.

President Donald Trump and FDA
Commissioner Stephen Hahn

What is up with that? Did he agree with our President or did he stepped back?

COVID-19 is becoming more and more of a threat to South Florida. Our costumers have been affected, our truck drivers and staff are in the fence, we need the TRUTH.

As of today, March 19th, Port of Miami Terminal (POMTOC) and Port Everglades changed their operating hours.

Port Everglades is closing on Thursdays and POMTOC is closing on Monday and Tuesday due to low volumes.
At Freight Hub Group Hub and all related entities we know that even in these trying times, work must continue, life must continue, and we just need to adjust.

Freight Hub has been and will continue to take all precautions needed to continue to deliver to you in the safest way possible while following all guidelines set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and our local government officials.

Please feel free to call us at 786-449-4020 or email for any of your South Florida Drayage Needs.

We are here ready to assist you with container drayage from Port of Miami or Port Everglades to anywhere in the State Florida.
#covid19 #coronavirusupdates

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