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3 Scenarios For The “New Normal” In Logistics

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Covid19 has taken the logistics industry and the entire world like a storm. No one expected the huge challenges that we are all facing.

How is and will be our new normal during the rest of the year 2020. Some experts suggest that social distance could last until 2022.

Let’s take a look at three possible scenarios of how that “New Normal” could look like and what alternatives should we consider to keep our businesses afloat.

  1. The cure and vaccine will be ready by summer/fall 2020.

    Since we started listening to the news about Covid19 we have been hearing that a vaccine may take up to 6 months to develop.

    This is because the medical community has to test the cure and vaccine before distributing it to people.

    In that case, experts also say that people wouldn’t start their normal life until after a month of the official announcement of the vaccine.

    We will skip the entire summer, music events, sports events, corporate meetings, and sales, in general, are either canceled or changed to a virtual concept that seems to be working for many.

    Part of your action plan should include finding all the sources available for your supply chain. Find all-in-one logistics companies, independent truck drivers, and overall tech-enabled companies that will allow you to start and track your entire logistics process.

    As a business owner, there is no way you can keep all your employees with the same salary and benefits when your business has a decrease of 90% of the profit.

    At this point, businesses must open up the possibility to offer over half of their services online if not all.

    Figure out what are your market new needs, perhaps you can expand your market and start offering other services or products.

    Create a six-month plan as if everything will stay the same and if you have to reduce salaries to keep everyone on board it will benefit your business in the long run.

    As an employee, you can start learning new skills online, and if you still have a job try to become as necessary as possible. Take on other duties that you know can help the company and under these circumstances, no one may be paying close attention to those tasks.

    If you were laid off apply immediately to unemployment and any other federal assistance like food stamps if you have to. Try not to spend any money at all, get to an arrangement with your landlord or bank.

  2. The vaccine will be ready by the first quarter of 2021

    If this is the case, then all of the above apply but you may need to consider the new reality, the new normal.

    It’s heartbreaking when you need to let employees go, especially when they are good employees.

    When you manage a business you need to understand that your main goal is to keep the business functioning and this includes at least breaking even for a couple of months.

    Don’t even think about making a good profit this year, think about at least break even while keep building your brand.

    If your business can’t hold all the staff you may have to let some people go and encourage those who stay.

    Be transparent with your staff, they understand what is happening.

    You have to also forget about the cherry on top of the ice cream. This is no time to think about your vacations, golf tournaments or other things that normally are treats that at this time are just not necessary.

    Do not stop your marketing efforts. Invest in digital, add some percentage of your existing profit to Ads and digital content for your new online services and brand in general.

    You need to become active on all social media platforms, after all, social media it’s free and at times like these everyone is connected.

  3. Social distancing until 2022

    Well, this is something we do not even want to imagine, but as business owners, you have to.

    Everything from the above applies, and more than that, your creativity and connections may become your winning card.

    This is the time to reinvent your business and connect your brand with people on an emotional level.

    There are a lot of web platforms with free advice and web tools that will help you find the right tools and the ideas you need to succeed.

    Don’t focus on the now start planning for the aftermath while keeping your employees and customers safe.

    Leave your comments to discuss other alternatives while this story keeps developing daily.
By: Gilbert M.
Digital Marketing Director
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