If You Haven’t Adapted A Transportation Management System, You’re in The Dark Ages


By: Freight Guru

Freight Hub Technology

These buzzwords signify major culture shifts in any industry.  Shifting the mindset of leadership, executives, board members, mid-level employees and down, is often met with resistance and can take years.  But with market giants such as Amazon, Apple, Uber, Samsung among others setting the standard for innovation.It is becoming more and more clear that companies in every Industry with TMS and had better adapt or lose their place in line.

As professionals in the freight, shipping and trucking industry, it is up to us to anticipate the needs of our clients, drivers and team members. By combining people, processes and technology we can position ourselves to deliver innovative solutions before the market is even aware of a problem. We can set the trends.

Transportation Management Software

While most of today’s trucking companies are using some form of Transportation Management Software (TMS), usage oftentimes stops within the office.  Drivers and other employees must be trained and become tech-savvy to move the industry forward. Such an example is with Ray Perez, FTL Dispatch Manager at FTL Hub, and Rich Mirkovits of Coyote Logistics. As they talk about TruckHub- 3PL insights, and more on the premiere opening of the Freight Hub Podcast.

The best use of TMS allows for companies to track their assets in real-time. Making for a convenient and positive experience for even the most inexperienced business owner looking for logistics services.  

The process of shipping has historically been muddy for those outside of the process, and the industry-wide push for transparency. It has opened the doors to more opportunities for innovation. Changes in the global economy, advances in technology, and the relevance of blockchain to transportation. All require that small trucking companies begin to integrate technology at every level.

Innovation of TMS

TMS TruckHub App iPhone

The saying goes that “innovation is born of necessity,” and that is exactly what led us to develop TruckHub.  Motivated by creating a practical application to solve common problems for fleet owners, our team of in-house developers. Work day in and day out to perfect the software.  By making real-time updates in response to ever-changing needs, and in anticipation of where the market is heading. The TruckHub TMS works to move the freight industry forward.

“Something new. better. far more interactive,”

Robbie Dillon, TruckHub Technical Product Manager, describing the mission of the software during the Freight Waves MarketWaves18 Conference. (Note: The MarketWaves19 conference will be November 12-13, 2019  in Chicago, IL).

If you’re interested in working with a last mile logistics provider that is forward-thinking and tech-savvy, visit LTL Hub to learn more.

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that can assure you transparency from the port to your destination nationwide, request a free quote today and discover your asset-based logistics solution.
