Transforming the Supply Chain Landscape: The Real-Time Tracking Systems for Trucks
Have you ever thought how fleet and supply chain managers faced challenges before the entry of real-time tracking systems for trucks? Third-party logistics and supply chain companies have plenty of opportunities at their disposal thanks to the entry of real-time tracking technologies for fleet vehicles.
The groundbreaking tracking technologies play a fundamental role in bridging information gaps that occur before, during, and after cargo shipments by trucks and other fleet vehicles. In the past few years, truck tracking technologies has gained momentum and popularity among 3PL and other logistics and supply chain companies.
For instance, the global vehicle tracking device market was a $600 million investment in 2016, with prospective potential to hit up to $3billion by 2025.
How Real-time Tracking Technologies Operate?
The first essential requirement for the success of real-time tracking systems for trucks and other fleet vehicles is Global Positioning System (GPS)-enabled devices in fleet vehicles. Secondly, the GPS-enabled devices receive microwave signals from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Thirdly, the GPS devices in trucks are involved in a constant circulation of information through wireless networks to office servers.
Often, various cellular network providers such as AT&T, Verizon, and many others install such server systems in offices and control rooms for effective transmission of data. Fourthly, the servers operate as “cloud” data storage systems that enable planners, drivers, and other fleet-responsive officers to access information regardless of their locations.
The real-time tracking system such as MyTruck Hub operates with the following components:
- GNSS satellite
- GPS devices in trucks
- Cellular network
- GPS servers
The Uses of Real-time Tracking Data
Significantly, the information obtained from GPS tracking systems influences multi-level decisions from cargo fleet managers or 3PL companies. The principal use of tracking data is to determine fleet locational details in real-time. However, modern tracking systems go beyond determining fleet location information.
Through GPS tracking systems, it is possible to obtain real-time information concerning:
- Truck speed
- Directions
- Safety aspects
- Truck diagnostics, among other vital information
Such information helps logistics and supply chain companies such as FTL hub to have full control over fleets. Real-time data is fundamental in regulating truck fuel use, eliminating truck side jobs, strengthen safety measures, and determining whether product transportation processes are done efficiently.
What are the Opportunities for real-time tracking Technologies?
3PL giants such as FTL hub have enhanced the utilization of tracking technologies to have control over fleet trucks and other essential dynamics during product shipments. The principal objectives of investing in truck tracking technologies by logistics and supply chain managers are to address several challenges, including:
- Product process accountability
- Statutory compliance
- Process efficiency
- Drivers’ safety, among other necessities
Thanks to the emergence of various real-time technologies, it is now possible to track full load trucks through their delivery trips. Notably, the real-time tracking process operates by combining the inputs from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems, the Global Positioning Systems, cellular networks, and servers from deferent providers.
Due to the proliferation of real-time geolocation data, logistics giants such as FTL hub can determine truck location, idle time, speed, safety aspects, directions, and other vital information that are fundamental to increasing process efficiency well as addressing a wide array of challenges.
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