How much do Truckers Earn?What is a Truckers Income?

A study Across the United States of America. Categories that determine a truckers income. Factors that determine income. The salary of truck drivers.

When deciding to become a trucker, the following are some of the factors that one must consider; It is not for everyone since it is very taxing and can test your limits for endurance. Salaries do vary depending on the companies that hire. Payment varies as some companies pay per mile while others pay per hour Financial viability and stability is the center of every trucker’s job. They enjoy the satisfaction of long- term job security.

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Categories that Determine Income

Four categories influence the amount of payment one gets as a truck driver and a truckers income. These include:

  • Student truck driver
  • CDL truck driver
  • OTR CDL truck driver
  • Team truck drivers

Among all of these, the OTR CDL drivers earn the most salaries compared to the rest. This is because they are licensed. Their salaries average around $82,000 per annum. They are followed by the team truck drivers who earn an average of $71,000 per year. CDL truck driver’s earnings are approximately $41,000 each year, and the least earning group of drivers is the student truck drivers who earn an approximate of $41,000 per year.

Factors that Influence Driving Truckers Income

The following factors influence these differences in income rates;

  • Mileage
  • Licensing and the level of education attained
  • Location
  • Experience
  • Bonuses
  • Specific Roles

Companies that offer payment per mile offer the best salaries as compared to those who pay per hour. Bonuses and benefits of salary often reward a driver who meets thresholds. It is important to note that for one to be a truck driver, one has to attend training at a driving school. Some driving schools offer sponsorship for students who are willing to indulge in this business, but upon graduation, one’s salary is deducted to repay the initial sponsorship cost.

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